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Attributes and Magic

Started by Codemaster Jamal, Feb 10, 2025, 12:00 PM

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Codemaster Jamal

Attributes and Magic

In the world of Shinobu, people are able to manipulate their Qi which allows them to perform magic. Amongst the Ninja, this magic is divided into Ninjutsu or Destruction Magic, Genjutsu or Illusion Magic, Taijutsu or Martial Arts and Bukijutsu or Weapon Skills. These are the four Shinobi Battle Styles. With this in mind, Ninja's are not the only class capable of using magic. This is a guide to help understand the four Attributes and the different kinds of magic that is associated with it. Use Ctrl+F to search up any of the topics in this chapter below.

  • Qi
  • Jutsu
  • Destruction Magic
  • Elemental Mastery
  • Summoning
  • Sealing Magic
  • Bloodline Magic
  • Eye Magic
  • Special Affinity
  • Illusion Magic
  • Healing Magic
  • Martial Arts
  • Weapon Skills
  • Swordsmanship


Qi (気) which can sometimes be refered to as Chi or Ki. It is the energy of life itself. It is the energy that is within all living beings. This energy is a vital energy that flows through the body. Learning how to manipulate one's Qi is an essential part of survival in the world of Shinobu.

Qi can also be refered to by different names such as Chi, Ki, Chakra, Mana, Aura or even Spiritual Energy. Qi can be strengthened through intense rigorous training. The amount of Qi a Qi user can use also depends on how well that user can control their own level of Qi. Qi manipulation can be classified into two different specific types of magic, Destruction Magic, which Ninjas know as Ninjutsu and Illusion Magic, which NInjas know as Genjutsu. The more Qi the user has, the more spells and techniques they can release. If the user runs out of Qi, they will become defenseless in battle.

Qi takes both physical and mental training to learn to tap into it and draw it out. Physical training increases the amount of Qi the user has while mental training allows the user to manipulate their energy at will. While called many things, Qi is essentially the energy within all lifeforms and beings. And as such, anyone can learn to manipulate their Qi at will as long as they believe in themselves and dedicate amount of time into discipline.


A spell or technique in which the user manipulates their Qi. This is why Qi is often referred to as a form of magic. Any technique or skill used in the world of Shinobu is seen as a form of magic. How the user chooses to manipulate their energy is up to them. There are different methods for channeling and drawing out their energy. How the user chooses to channel their energy is completely up to them and their fighting style. This is what makes every Qi user unique regardless of what class they come from.

Chanting - one of the earliest forms of Qi manipulation. This is a form of ritual that the user can use to draw out their Qi. Usually the user will recite a prayer, a poem or some form of literature. These words that are spoken are known as the "incantation". The incantation, when combined with the Qi, releases their spell or technique. There are shorter versions of the skill that require no incantation but, at a price. Usually, the shorter versions are a lot weaker than the incantation version.

Hand Seals - or hand signs, something that is akin to the Ninja class. By performing hand seals, the user is able to draw out large amounts of their Qi. They can then manipulate their Qi at will in-order to release their skill. More can be read about Hand Seals here.

Emotions - while not a common method, it is usually required to be calm in-order to control larger amounts of one's Qi. That being said, one's emotions also play a huge role in how someone's Qi. When someone is afraid or in fear, their Qi is much weaker than someone who is confident. When someone is sad or their mind is in distraught, their Qi is harder to control and typically results in a failed attempt at the use of a skill. When someone is angry, their Qi might be stronger than normal but, this causes them to use more than usual. Keeping one's emotions in place is essential for creating the most effective version of their skill in battle.

Symbology - Another application of Qi. These are markings. They can include tattoos and paint. The user is able to imbue their Qi into the markings, and thus releases the magical spell of their liking. It's a very ancient and archaic form of channeling one's Qi but, it's super-effective. THe only draw back is that it takes time to create the markings. The markings can be on the ground, or an object or one the user itself. Different markings have different forms of applications and effects.

Posing - more importantly, martial arts poses. Martial arts poses are also one of the more common forms of drawing one's Qi. The user is able to channel their Qi throughout their entire body, usually by channeling the energy in their stomach and then sending the energy throughout their hands or feet. There are also some circumstances where the user is able to release their technique through their eyes or mouth. And needless to say, sometimes where they might release their skill can get a bit bizzare.

Meditation - breathing excercises that allow the user to control a vast amount of Qi. While this method usually takes several minutes and sometimes several hours, it allows the user to control an abnormally large amount of Qi. This is something that simply put, cannot be done very easily but, requires years of dedication to master.

Destruction Magic

One of the 4 Shinobi Battle Styles. Ninja's refer to this as "Ninjutsu" but, many refer to this as Destruction Magic. It is one of the simplest applications of the user's Qi, which allows them to use their energy for the purpose of attacking. They can build up a large amount of Qi in their body and release it all at once as a devastating attack. The greater one is in Destruction Magic, the greater amount of Qi they can control and the higher level of techniques they can master. They will also have greater knowledge in hand seals. Those who specialize in Destruction Magic will have a great supply of Qi and will have greater knowledge about the different techniques. They will also be able to deal greater amounts of damage and will be able to use higher level skills. Destruction Magic specialists are usually long-range fighters.

As a Destruction Magic specialist, you can choose Elemental Destruction Magic, Non-Elemental Destruction Magic, Summoning or Sealing Magic as your specialty at Chunin.

Elemental Mastery

In the world of Shinobu, Qi users are able to change the nature of their Qi. This allows them to use more devastating forms of Destruction Magic. While it is also prevalent in Martial Arts, Illusion Magic and Weapon Skills, it is an essential part of Destruction Magic. The user is able to create elements with their Qi that will be like an element but, not really the element itself. For example, the Qi is able to create fire with their Qi but, it will not be the same as fire itself. It can still burn like fire and act like fire in many ways but, will not be fire itself.

The basic elements that Qi users can master are Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Lightning. There are also unique and special elements that Qi users can create but, this technique belongs to special bloodlines. Some bloodlines have a natural ability of mixing elements together in-order to create a brand new element. One Qi can also be positive or negative based on their emotions. Qi is naturally a blue or white color but, due to negative influence can turn red. It is said that the Qi of Demons are of this color.

Fire - One of the basic elements a user can master. By learning how to bend fire, the user is able to transform their Qi into fire itself. This is usually by superheating the Qi in their body until it becomes boiling red. As they become stronger in this art, they will be able to control natural fire at will. This art is known as Firebending.

Water - One of the basic elements a user can master. By learning how to bend water, the user is able to transform their Qi into water itself. The user is able to multiply the natural liquid within their body, which allows them to create water on command. As they become stronger, they will be able to control bodies of water at will. This art is known as Waterbending.

Wind - One of the basic elements a user can master. By learning how to bend wind, the user is able to transform their Qi into wind itself. The user is able to manipulate the air around their body, which allows them to create winds that cut like a blade. As they become stronger, they will be able to manipulate large gusts of wind at their leisure. This art is known as Airbending.

Earth - One of the basic elements a user can master. By learning how to bend earth, the user is able to transform their Qi into earth itself. The user can turn themselves into earth, hardening their skin and making it as tough as iron. As they become stronger, they will be able to transform the ground beneath their feet into a weapon itself and create earth from their own bodies. This art is known as Earthbending.

Lightning - One of the basic elements a user can master. By learning how to bend lightning, the user is able to transform their Qi into lightning itself. By controlling the bodies natural current of electricity, the user is able to use this electricity at their will. The user is able to create large surges of electricity at their leisure. This art is known as Thunderbending.

Light - this is also known as raw Qi in some cases. Light represents the positive energy of one's Qi. Most people can manipulate Light energy very easily. While it is a necessary aspect of more advanced Illusion Magic, it is also a common practice in Destruction Magic and Martial Arts. This allows the user to create beams of energy that can be shot from their hands or any other body part. Light is also one of the easiest elements to master because it does not require the user to change the nature of their Qi at all. This art form is known as Lightbending.

Darkness - another version of raw Qi. Darkness represents the negative energy of one's Qi. One's Qi is naturally positive but, the user can turn their Qi into Negative Qi, which allows them to do similar aspects as Light but, also allows them to manipulate shadows and sometimes even gravity. Darkness can be used in the same aspect as Light but, there are simply different methods for controlling Darkness. Much like Light, Darkness can be controlled by anyone and takes less time to master than the 5 natural elements. Darkness is a natural element for Demons. This art form is known as Shadowbending.

Everyone has one Primary Affinity, which usually determines what Element they are weak to and what Element they are strong against. The 5 Primary Elements are Fire, Water, Wind, Earth and Lightning. Light and Darkness, though very generic and are elements that anyone can master, are not primary elements and thus, they are not affected by the circle of elements. Fire is weak to Water. Water is weak to Earth. Earth is weak to Lightning. Lightning is weak to Wind and Wind is weak to Fire. It's a circle that repeats itself. Essentially, one element is weak against another element but, strong against another. More importantly, some elements have the ability to enhance each other's attributes. Wind can make Fire stronger, and Water can make Lightning stronger. It is also a common trait to combine elements, even without the use of specific Bloodline Magic.


A form of Destruction Magic that allows the user to summon objects from different realms. This usually requires some form of Symbology or a contact with an animal. Wild Beasts are usually very fond of humans and often make contracts with them. It is also possible to make contracts with Demons. Outside of this, the user can also use this skill to summon additional weapons into battle. There are also more practical uses for this skill. This is a specialty that can be chosen at Chunin for Destruction Magic and Weapon Skill Specialist.

**Currently, we will not be allowing the use of Sage Mode or any of those type of skills until further notice.

Sealing Magic

Also known as Fuuinjutsu (封印術). This is a form of Destruction Magic that allows the user to restrict the movements of others. It is closely related to symbology in which the user will apply markings to their target.  The user is able to seal away inanimate objects, Wild Beasts, Demons and even people. This form of magic often requires Chanting or Hand Seals. It should be noted that High Demons are not able to be sealed into people. However, there is a huge weakness to Sealing Magic, as most seals can be undone.

Bloodline Magic

An odd form of magic that involves a person's genetic material. Bloodline Limits or Kekkei Genkai are created from generations upon generations of inbreeding and incest. This is why generally speaking, the members of certain clans have similar traits. Some Qi users created a form of magic generations ago and their power was so strong that they found a way of passing down their magic genetically. In some cases, the magic itself can be dormant until the user awakens it. If a user possess a Bloodline, that it is assumed that their Bloodline Magic will be their specialty when they become a Chunin.

In most cases, the magic itself allows the user a special trait that is related to their personal features. This can include eyes that are sharper than normal, an abnormal rate of celluar regeneration or even the ability to breath underwater. The trait itself can vary among people.

The more common form of Bloodline Magic involves a special element that only the user's of a specific Bloodline can wield. This is mainly because their ancestor figured out the proper balance of elements. These are known as Special Affinities and it's possible for someone to possess more than one.

Some common Special Affinities are: Magnetic, Wood, Scorch, Ice, Vapor, Lava, Explosive, Inferno and Laser.

Magnetic - A form of Bloodline Magic that allows the user to turn their Qi into a magnetic field. They are able to control earthly substances such as sand, iron, and gold.

Wood - A special affinity that is created by combining Waterbending and Earthbending together at the same time. The user is able to create tree's and other forms of vegetation using their Qi.

Scorch - A special affinity that is created by coming Firebending and Airbending together at the same time. The user is able to create a flame that sucks the water out of any living being.

Ice - A special affinity that is created by combining Waterbending and Airbending together at the same time. The user is able to create ice that will never melt; even with fire.

Vapor - A special affinity that is created by combining Firebending and Waterbending together at the same time. The user is able to create powerful steam that can burn their enemies.

Lava - A special affinity that is created by combining Firebending and Earthbending together at the same time. The user is able to create molten rock that can be both solid and liquid.

Explosive - A form of Bloodline Magic that allows the user to turn their Qi into a destructive force. They are able to create explosions at will.

Inferno - A form of Bloodline Magic that allows the user to use the highest level of Firebending. This level of firebending allows the user to create black flames.

Laser - A special affinity that is created by combining Thunderbending and Waterbending. The user is able to create vicious lasers that are swift and can bend to the user's will.

Eye Magic

Dojutsu (瞳術) is a form of Bloodline Magic that revolves around the eyes. Eye Magic is a common form of Bloodline Magic in which the user's vision is multiplied through the use of Qi. There are a range of different Eye Magic's but, the usual trait of Eye Magic is a different appearance in the eyes. The eyes don't just change color but, the shape and design of the eye is completely different than before.

Special Affinity

One of the most common forms of Bloodline Magic. The user is able to either combine two of the five natural Qi elements to create a new one. However, in some cases, the user is able to create a new element out of one. There are many different applications of Special Affinities and there are some special affinities that are yet to be discovered.

Illusion Magic

One of the 4 Shinobi Battle Styles. Ninja's refer to this as "Genjutsu" but, many refer to it as Illusion Magic. This is a style of combat that allows the user to place their Qi directly into the body of an enemy. This causes the enemy to hallucinate. There are two forms of Illusion Magic. One where the user targets only one person and that one target experiences a hallucination. The other form of Illusion Magic can work on a group of enemies in which case, the illusion itself is visible to the naked eye. This form of Illusion Magic relies on the use of Lightbending. For those who specialize in Illusion Magic, their control over their Qi will be much greater than normal and this will allow them to conserve their Qi longer in battle. One's Illusion Magic, even if they are not a specialist is how smart one is in and outside of combat. In terms of attributes, Illusion Magic is also how wise and knowledge a character is. It is an overall score for their intelectual abilities.

Healing Magic

A form of Destruction Magic but, requires the user to be adept at Illusion Magic in-order to get it's full understand. This form of magic allows the user to heal themselves and others using their Qi. This can be from minor cuts and bruises to stopping internal bleeding and even putting back on someone's severed arm. It requires precise Qi control.

As a Chunin, an Illusion Magic Specialist and Weapon Skill Specialist can choose Healing Magic as their new Specialization.

Martial Arts

One of the 4 Shinobi Battle Styles. Ninja's refer to this as "Taijutsu" but, many refer to this as simply Martial Arts or hand to hand combat. In terms of attributes, this is how physically strong and how fast and agile the user is. This is also about how much physical stamina the user has and how well they handle physical tasks. This attribute also determines how great their reflexes are.

In Martial Arts, a Qi user can use their Qi to strengthen their Fighting Style. There are many different fighting styles but, some styles of fighting require strict dedicated. A specialist in Martial Arts has the ability to pick a Fighting Style when they become Chunin. You are not allowed to have more than one Fighting Style, as a Martial Arts Specialist or Weapon Skill Specialist.

Martial Art users can combine their powerful Martial Arts with Qi which further increases their strength. Sometimes, they can even combine their mastery of Elements with Martial Arts to create invincible attacks.

Weapon Skills

One of the 4 Shinobi Battle Styles. Ninja's refer to this as "Bukijutsu" but, many refer to this a Weaponry or Weapon Skills. This is not a type of magic but, weapons can be combined with Qi to achieve devastating results. They can also combine their mastery over elements to create powerful attacks. This is how great the user is at handling weapons. A Weapon Skill specialist can choose Swordsmanship as a specialty when they become Chunin. If a Weapon Skill Specialist knows a Fighting Style, then this Fighting Style becomes their new specialty. You are not allowed to have more than one Fighting Style, as a Martial Arts Specialist or Weapon Skill Specialist.

In terms of Attributes, the higher this skill, the better the user is at handling weapons and more importantly different types of weapons. Some weapons will require a certain level of Weaponry in-order to wield them.


Also known as Kenjutsu (剣術). These are sword fighting techniques, which is something that is specific to Weaponry specialist. It is also said that for Kenjutsu users, a sword is all they will ever need. It is not necessarily a form of magic but, rather a style of fighting that is unique to Weaponry specialist. The "lone sword" user as someone would call it. This is a specialty that is meant for character who are great with swords. Somtimes, they can invent their own fighting technique at this level.