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Started by Codemaster Jamal, Feb 12, 2025, 11:34 AM

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Codemaster Jamal


Generally speaking, combat is a tad bit different on this site. While we do have stats on this forum, with HP and Qi, it is not always recommended to use them in every fight. For example, if you and one of your friends decide to have a fight between your characters, you don't HAVE TO use stats for your fight. If you prefer to do a pure text-based fight, then go right ahead. In most cases, even when it comes to future tournaments, we will allow combatants to do a pure text-based fight if both players agree on this. Despite this, we still have a system for combat when it comes to fighting on the site. In all quests, you will be required to fight in this style in-order to win fights and finish the quest. The rules are really simple and we are trying our best to keep it as simple as possible. We want to focus more on the fighting versus doing math calculations. Use Ctrl+F to search up any of the topics in this chapter below.

  • General Rules
  • Basic Actions
  • Basic Attacks
  • Combos
  • Blocking
  • Counters
  • Qi Enhanced Attacks
  • Qi Enhanced Blocks
  • Damage Calculation
  • Dispelling Illusions
  • Qi Cost
  • Evasion
  • Quests and NPCs
  • Death/Knockout
  • Regeneration

General Rules

The general rule for combat is to be courteous of your opponent. Respect them and try not to cheat. If you have any issues with the fighting system, make sure to leave comments and give us ideas on how to fix it. Currently, this fighting system is still being tested out so it will take some time to perfect it. Try to be reasonable when attacking your opponent. This is why we have stats in the first place is to stop characters from pulling off actions that would be otherwise impossible. And this is to also make sure that fights eventually end and do not carry on forever. When attacking your opponent, be reasonable. Try not to overplay things.

Some general rules will also include:

1. Do not post your actions at the end of your post. It's okay to list what jutsu you used by make sure you explain how you use your jutsu in your post and be very clear. If you use a jutsu, deduct it from your Qi pool. Make sure you do your own deductions and try not to cheat your opponent. In most cases, we will allow Narrators to keep track of your character's Qi.

2. Quests and certain events are done with a Narrator. You cannot complete a quest or training without a Narrator. There will be a list of approved Narrators later. You will not need a Narrator to referee most friendly fights but, if you need one, feel free to message a Narrator or put in a request. In most cases, it's your choice to use a Narrator or not.

3. You are allowed to use multiple techniques in a single post just make sure to deduct it from your Qi. You will only need a Narrator if you see someone cheating or if the fights become unfair.

Basic Actions

Every character, regardless of their class are allowed some basic actions. This includes Player Characters, NPCs, Wild Beasts and Demons. These are all basic actions that anyone are allowed to do regardless of their class, rank or species.

Basic Attacks

By default, you are allowed to perform basic attacks. These are attacks and actions that anyone can perform. These are based around Martial Arts and Weapon Skills but, can be amplified with Destruction Magic. A basic hand to hand attack is based on a character's Martial Arts attribute. If the attribute is 5, then they do 5 damage for each strike. If a character has a weapon equpped such as kunai or katana, they may also perform a basic attack as well. This is based off of their character's Weapon Skills attribute. If the attribute is a 5, then they will do 5 damage. However, there are some cases where the amount of damage from Weapon Skill attacks will change based on the weapon used.


Characters are also allowed to perform a string of hand of attacks. Normally, you can pull off a 3 hit combo but, every attack will cost an additional 5 Qi after this. This means, the 4th hit will cost 5 Qi, the 5th hit will cost 10 Qi and the 6th hit will cost 15 Qi and so on and so forth.

Your opponent can also choose how they respond to each hit. For example, they can choose to Block, Evade or counter each hit. When it comes to a Free Dodge, you can use 1 Free Dodge to avoid 1 string of combos. Free Dodges allow you to completely avoid damage without paying any Qi. So you can avoid an entire combo with a Free Dodge.


You are allowed to block basic attacks and jutsu. When it comes to Illusion Magic, it will require some additional thinking to avoid or block it however, when it comes to Martial Arts and Weapon Skills, you will need to block it by doing the same. You cannot block a weapon attack without having a weapon equipped. Blocking does not cost you any Qi but, you will still take damage. When you take damage from a Martial Arts attack, deduct your Martial Arts attribute from the damage. For example, your opponent does a 3 hit combo that does 15 damage. You can block the 3 hit combo and take 12 damage instead of 15. This is because you have 3 in Martial Arts. When you block an attack, you are choosing to take the full amount of damage.

When blocking Martial Arts, use your Martial Arts attribute. When blocking Weapon Skills, use your Weapon Skills attribute. When it comes to Destruction Magic, you are allowed to use either or depending on if you have a weapon equipped or not.


You can choose to counter your opponent's attack with an attack of equal or similar power. For example, if you opponent does a 3 hit combo that does 15 damage, You can counter with a 3 hit combo that does 9 damage. In this case, you will take 6 damage instead of 15. When you choose to counter, you are also choosing to pay 1 Qi every time you counter. This is only if you choose to counter Martial Arts with Martial Arts or counter Weapon Skills with Weapon Skills. You can complete evade the damage by choosing to use Destruction Magic or Illusion Magic. This way, the attack does not connect at all. You can combine counters with evasion, as long as it's not a Free Dodge.

Qi Enhanced Attacks

This is something one cannot pull off until they are at least Genin rank. As a basic attack, the user can combine their Qi to enhance the power of their basic attacks. This can be come with Martial Arts and Weapon Skills. When this is done, you are combining your Martial Arts and Destruction Magic attribute. If you have a 3 in Martial Arts and 5 in Destruction Magic, this mean you will do 8 damage for each of your combos. Normally, you would do 15 damage but, instead you do 24 damage.

Qi Enhance attacks come with a cost, as it will cost you 20% of the total amount of damage in Qi. This means it will cost you 5 Qi to perform this feature. This is 4.8 rounded up.

Qi Enchanced Blocks

This is also another feature one cannot pull off until they are at least Genin rank. As a basic block, the user is able to use their Qi to enhance their physical ability. When this happens, combine your Martial Arts or Weapon Skills with your Destruction Magic. Let's say you have a 3 in Martial Arts and a 2 in Destruction Magic. Your opponent uses a 3 hit combo which does 15 damage. Your opponent deals 10 damage instead of 15. It will only cost you 10% of the damage in Qi. In this case, it will cost you 1 Qi.

Basic Attacks, Combos, Blocking, Countering, Qi Enhanced Attacks and Qi Enhanced Blocks are all actions that anyone can use in battle. This is basic combat that can be taught at any Qi Academy. If any of these concepts are confusing, then please feel free to message us so we can better clarify any of these actions.

Damage Calculation

In all calculations, we always round up. Determining the damage for jutsu is very simple. It is based on the attribute multipled by the amount of Qi used. For example, if the Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu costs 20 Qi and you have 10 points in Destruction Magic, the jutsu will deal 200 damage. Damage calculation for Jutsu is very simple. The amount of damage a jutsu causes is also an indicator for how effective a jutsu is. Essentially, the more Qi a jutsu costs, the more damage it does. However, this concept can become more complicated as one learns to control their Qi better.

Dispelling Illusions

By default, one cannot simply dispel illusions. In some cases, when up against low level illusions, some characters will be able to decipher illusions. In most cases, dispelling illusions will be similar to figuring out a maze. If you can figure out how the illusion works or how to "get out of the maze", the illusion will disperse. However, there are some illusions that are so strong that it will simply require more than walking out of the maze.

Illusions have the unique ability of altering or tampering with someone's memory. Most Illusions from Non-Illusion Magic Specialist will generally be able to be deciphered or dispelled. Illusion Magic Specialist will require a lot more work and in some cases it will be impossible to dispel the illusion yourself. In many cases, you will need one of your team mates to place their Qi into your body in-order to stop the effects of the Illusion. This is mainly with Illusions that target a single user.

The Kai (Dispel) technique is a special technique that is used to dispel illusions. The user can use their own Qi to force the Qi of the caster out of their mind and sometimes body. If this doesn't work, they will have to rely on their team mates to use the Kai technique on them. In most cases, illusions cause people to either hallucinate or fall asleep. Most illusions are not physically harmful but, are a great way to subdue their enemy quickly.

When using Kai, you will need to use half of the damage of the Illusion in Qi. While illusions do not deal damage, they have a level of effectiveness. Let's say you have 10 in Illusion Magic and you use a C-Rank Illusion that costs 20 Qi. This illusion has an effectiveness of 200. You will need to use 25% of the illusions effective in Qi in-order to dispel the illusion. This means it will cost 50 Qi to dispel the illusion. This doesn't stack and next time that illusion is casted on them, the illusion will be half as effective. This means if they use the illusion again in the same fight, even though the caster will pay the same amount of Qi, you will need even less Qi to dispel it.

Every time you dispel an illusion, the amount of Qi needed to dispel it will be half as much. So in the example above, if the illusion was used on your character again, it will cost 25 Qi instead of 50 (12.5%). If used again, you will need to pay 13 Qi (6.25%). If it happens again, you will need to pay 7 Qi (3.125%). And so on and so forth. At some point, the same Illusion should not be able to work on your character but, there are different circumstances for how effective an illusion is against certain characters.

Qi Cost

By default, all E-Rank Jutsu cost 5 Qi. All D-Rank Jutsu cost 10 Qi. All C-Rank Jutsu cost 20 Qi. All B-Rank Jutsu Cost 50 Qi. All A-Rank Jutsu Cost 75 Qi. All S-Rank Jutsu Cost 100 Qi. What this means, is that no matter what, an E-Rank Jutsu does 5 * Attribute = Damage. However, as one learns to control their Qi better, they can perform Jutsu for a lower price but, at the same time, the jutsu will still do the appropriate amount of damage. There are two jutsu that allows a Qi to control their Qi better. That is the Act of Tree Climing and the Act of Water Surface Walking. Learning both of these jutsu allows a Qi user to use a jutsu for less Qi while still doing the same amount of damage.

When a Qi user learns the Act of Tree Climbing, they are learning how to use their jutsu with the least amount of Qi as possible. All E-Rank Jutsu cost 3 Qi instead of 5. All D-Rank Jutsu will cost 7 Qi instead of 10. All C-Rank Jutsu will cost 15 Qi instead of 20. All B-Rank Jutsu will cost 45 Qi instead of 50. All A-Rank Jutsu will cost 70 Qi instead of 75. This training does not apply to S-Rank Jutsu as all S-Rank Jutsu require 100 Qi regardless of this level of trainig.

When a Qi yser learns the Act of Water Surface Walking, they are taking their Qi Control to the highest level and learning how to refine and master jutsu. All E-Rank Jutsu will cost 1 Qi instead of 3 Qi. All D-Rank Jutsu will cost 5 Qi instead of 7. All C-Rank Jutsu will cost 10 Qi instead of 15. All B-Rank Jutsu will cost 40 Qi instead of 45. All A-Rank Jutsu will cost 65 Qi instead of 70. And once again, this amount of Qi Control does not apply to S-Rank Jutsu because most S-Rank Jutsu are either forbidden or naturally requires an amount of Qi that is sometimes not even humanly possible.

By completing both of these trainings, a Qi user will have mastered their Qi. In an earlier example, we used an example of damage calculation using the Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu. In this example, the user has 10 in Destruction Magic. In this example, after completing the training, the user will be able to use the same Jutsu for 10 Qi instead of 20 but, the jutsu will still do 200 damage, as if it costed 20 Qi. And this means, they will be able to perform the Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu for 10 Qi but, it will still do 200 damage because, the jutsu normally costs 20 Qi. This rule only applies to actual Jutsu and not basic actions.


By default, you are given an amount of free dodges. This means that regardless of how strong your opponent is, you may dodge their attack for free without having to use any Qi or jutsu. Even after you have run out of free dodges, you can still dodge your opponent by using your Qi and specialized jutsu. There are techniques that allow the user to avoid damage, such as the Replacement/Substitution Jutsu. However, this will require the use of Qi and there are always a chance. Everyone is allowed 3 Free Dodges every battle.

Outside of this, you are also allowed to pay Qi in-order to evade more attacks. This is allowed under the idea that everytime you dodge, it becomes harder and harder to dodge. You are allowed to pay 15% of the damage an attack would normally do in Qi in-order to avoid it. However, every time you perform this action, the rate in which you pay goes up by 5%. This means next time you want to dodge, it will be 20%. For example, let's say an attack does 100 damage. It will cost 15 Qi to avoid the damage of the attack.


During quests, you are going to need to get use to using this combat system. That being said, we are very lenient with this combat system. Any NPC that you encounter in combat will have HP. In some cases, their Qi will not be taken into account when fighting against you unless it's a major event. Usually the tougher opponents will have the Qi listed in-order to make things more fair. To make things fair, you can only face up to 4 enemies at a time. Your only objective is to take them down. In some quests, combat will be required in-order to finish it. Do your best. Remember, it's a game at the end of the day.


Character death is something that is very real on this forum. Your character can only die under three circumstances.

1. You personally choose to write off your character.

2. Your character dies during a quest, battle or major event.

3. Old age (If your character passes the age of 100, every arc, there is a higher chance of your character dying from old age. In which case, you will be allowed to create a new character at a younger age, lower rank and in the Faction of your liking.)

The rules for death does not apply during Spars.

If your character's HP is droped to zero during a fight, then your character is considered to be knocked out. They are still alive and can get back up later but, they can still take damage while knocked out. If your character's HP is the negative value of half of your maximum HP, then they are considered dead. This means, if you have 100 HP and you HP is dropped to -50. Your character is considered dead.

There are ways to escape this. Hopefully you can be rescued by a squad member or comrade. There's also the possibility that your enemy did not notice and you can escape. As long as your HP is not the negative value of half of your maximum HP, you will still be able to crawl and escape the battle field. Nonetheless, the moment your HP drops below zero, you will have to wait at least one post before moving. This is one of your own posts where you express how exhausted your character is. After this, you will regain 1 HP and will be able to slowly crawl off the battle field. During this time, your opponent can do whatever they want. They can choose to spare you or they can choose to end your character's life.

As we said before, we know people have very close emotional connections to their characters, so we will allow people to reincarnate characters. This is either by allowing them to make a character that is either the same rank as their deceased character or one rank lower. If your HP is dropped to the negative value of half of your maximum HP from your opponent's last attack, it is going to be an automatic death. This can mean, you have 30 HP one post, and then get hit by a 200 damage Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu the next post. Because your maximum HP is 100, this jutsu brings your HP to -170. This means that your character is automatically dead.


You are allowed to regenerate your Health and Qi in the middle of battle. Usually this is from the use of some kind of Healing Magic but, in most cases, you will need to escape battle before you can regenerate your character. This requires you to disengage from combat and completely leave the battle field. If your character has a Free Dodge left, you are allowed to use this to escape battle. Once you have completely escaped battle, you will be allowed to recover your Health and Qi. Your escape has to be confirmed with a Narrator.

For every post that your character is not in combat, you will recover 10% of your Health and Qi. As long as you are in the fight topic, you will only be able to recover 80% of your maximum Health and Qi. If you leave the fight topic, you will not be able to come back. You also will not be able to recover any of your Free Dodges while you are in the fight topic. That being said, you can always live to fight again.