Non-Elemental Destruction Magic

Started by Codemaster Jamal, Feb 14, 2025, 10:39 AM

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Codemaster Jamal

Non-Elemental Destruction Magic

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Canon Non-Elemental Destruction Magic
  • Transformation Jutsu
  • Substitution Jutsu
  • Clone Jutsu
  • Act of Tree Climbing
  • Act of Water Surface Walking
  • Sexy Jutsu
  • Teleportation Jutsu
  • Haze Clone Jutsu
  • Paralysis Jutsu
  • Paper Shuriken
  • Summoning Jutsu
  • Combination Transformation
  • Shadow Clone Jutsu
  • Exploding Shadow Clone
  • Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu
  • Qi Absorption
  • Dispel
  • Needle Jizo
  • Wild Lion's Mane
  • Camouflage Jutsu
  • Beast Mimicry: All-Fours Jutsu
  • Man-Beast Clone
  • Transformation Combo: Double-Headed Wolf
  • Transformation Mixture: Three-Headed Wolf
  • Expansion Jutsu
  • Partial Expansion Jutsu
  • Super Expansion Jutsu
  • Sensory Jutsu
  • Mind Body Transfer Jutsu
  • Mind Body Disturbance Jutsu
  • Shadow Possession Jutsu
  • Shadow Strangle Jutsu
  • Shadow Sewing Jutsu
  • Rasengan
  • Giant Rasengan
  • Flying Thunder God
  • Ink Clone Jutsu
  • Super Beast Scroll
  • Super Beast Scroll: Aun Fist
Transformation Jutsu
Henge no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: General Jutsu
Rank: E
Requirements: 1 Destruction Magic
Description: The first jutsu a ninja learns at the Academy. This jutsu allows a ninja to change their appearance or transform into any person or object. With great skill, ninja can use this technique for stealthy missions to deceive their enemy. The Hand Seals for this Jutsu are: Dog → Boar → Ram.

Substitution Jutsu
Kawarimi no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: General Jutsu
Rank: E
Requirements: 1 Destruction Magic, 1 Illusion Magic, Nearby Object
Description: When in danger, a ninja can avoid fatal damage by replacing themselves with a nearby object. This object can be a block of wood or even a person. This allows a ninja to flee while the object takes the force of the attack. The Hand Seals for this Jutsu are: Tiger → Boar → Ox → Dog → Snake.

Effect: Avoid Damage if this Jutsu's Effectiveness is greater than an attack.

Clone Jutsu
Bunshin no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: General Jutsu
Rank: E
Requirements: 1 Destruction Magic, 1 Illusion Magic
Description: A jutsu every ninja learns at the Academy. This skill allows the user to create a complete copy of themselves without substance. This clone can act as a distraction or a means to confuse one's opponent. Once the clone is attacked or comes into contact with the enemy, it will disperse. The Hand Seals to release the Jutsu are: Ram → Snake → Tiger.

Effect: Create a Clone for battle. Every 3 Points in Destruction Magic Produces another Clone.

Act of Tree Climbing
Kinobori no Waza

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: General Skill
Rank: C
Requirements: 5 Destruction Magic, 3 Illusion Magic
Description: A skill that is necessary for all Genin to learn in-order to pass the Chunin Exams. This skill is a practice that helps a ninja perfect their Qi control. This skill allows a ninja to walk up a tree or wall without falling down. By learning to control one's Qi flow in their feet, one can walk up a tree without using their hands.

Effect: Can Walk on Walls with ease once training is completed. Will Cost 1 Qi Per Post after activation. This jutsu will also allow you to pay for jutsu 1 Cost Lower.

Act of Water Surface Walking
Suimen Hokou no Waza

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: General Skill
Rank: C
Requirements: Act of Tree Climbing, 10 Destruction Magic, 5 Illusion Magic
Description: A skill that is necessary for all Genin to learn in-order to pass the Chunin Exams. This skill is a practice that helps a ninja perfect their Qi control. This jutsu is based on the Act of Tree Climbing except, the user is consistently generating Qi in their feet. With this skill, the user can walk on the surface of water as if it was solid.

Effect: Can Walk on the Surface of Water without trying once training is completed. Will Cost 2 Qi Per Post after activation. This jutsu will also allow you to pay for jutsu 2 Cost Lower.

Sexy Jutsu
Oiroke no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Signature Jutsu
Rank: E
Requirements: Transformation Jutsu, Perverted Mindset, 5 Destruction Magic, 5 Illusion Magic
Description: A variation of the Transformation Jutsu. This jutsu allows the user (typically a male) to turn into a beautiful naked woman in a seductive posture. A variation of this jutsu let's the user turn into a man that is seductive to women. This jutsu usually leaves the user shocked and can be used as a distraction for the user. Typically, this skill is meant for use against adults. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Ram seal.

Effect: Reduce Foes Martial Arts by 2 for 3 Posts. Can Only be used once a battle. Is ineffective against people under the age of 18.

Teleportation Jutsu
Shunshin no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: General Jutsu
Rank: D
Requirements: Substitution Jutsu, 10 Destruction Magic
Description: This jutsu allows a ninja to move at high speeds. With this jutsu, a ninja can be in different parts of a village in an instant. The jutsu is untraceable even to some Dojutsu. Usually a puff of smoke is used to disguise the user's movements though there have been variations of this jutsu that use leaves, water, mist, sand, and even ink. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Tiger seal.

Effect: Temporarily vitalizes the body to move at high speeds. Can be used to escape certain jutsu or flee from battle.

Haze Clone Jutsu
Oboro Bunshin no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: General Jutsu
Rank: D
Requirements: Clone Jutsu, 5 Destruction Magic, 4 Illusion Magic
Description: Based on the Clone Jutsu, the user is able to create clones that do not disperse after being touched. These clones cannot attack their enemy however, they do serve as a distraction to lure their enemy. If the caster of the jutsu is hit by an attack while this jutsu is active, the clones vanish. The Hand Seals for this jutsu are: Dog → Tiger.

Effect: Creates Haze Clones for battle. Every 2 Points in Destruction Magic Produces another Clone.

Paralysis Jutsu
Kanashibari no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: General Jutsu
Rank: D
Requirements: 10 Destruction Magic
Description: This jutsu allows the user to restrain their opponent from a long distance. The enemy will feel as if they are being held back by invisible steel wires. This allows a ninja to either attack their enemy of capture them. This paralysis is only temporary as the jutsu wears off after a few seconds. The intensity of this jutsu varies from user to user. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Seal of Confrontation.

Effect: Temporarily paralyze an enemy or group of foes. If the foes Martial Arts and Destruction Magic are 10 Points lower than yours, they are automatically asleep if the Jutsu connects.

Paper Shuriken
Kami Shuriken

Category: Offensive
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: General Jutsu
Rank: D
Requirements: 5 Destruction Magic, Paper
Description: This jutsu allows a ninja to use paper as a weapon. By pouring their Qi into pieces of paper, the paper hardens and sharpens, making it equal to metal. The user then launches the shuriken to attack their enemy. The user can also use this jutsu to turn paper into certain shapes, like kunai. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Seal of Confrontation.

Summoning Jutsu
Kuchiyose no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Signature Jutsu
Rank: C
Requirements: Scroll, Act of Tree Climbing, Act of Water Surface Walking, 10 Destruction Magic
Description: This skill is a space-time jutsu that allows a ninja to transport people, animals or weapons across long distances. The user will perform hand seals, use their blood and place their hand on the ground for the location they wish to summon. For weapons, the jutsu is as simple as placing tools into scrolls and sealing them away. When the ninja needs the weapon, they can unravel the scroll to summon it. This method is similar with people. With animals, a special condition is required. Animal Contracts must first be made by signing a contract in blood. Once the contract is made, the ninja performs a string of hand seals to mold the Qi needed for the summon and then can summon any animal from the contracts location. The Hand Seals for this jutsu are: Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram.

Effect: Can summon weapons, people or animals for battle. Depending on the size or Rank of the Summon, determines how much Qi is used to release the Jutsu. Summoning Contracts can be made by forging a contract in blood with an animal.

*Special Permission is needed to create a Summoning Contract.

Combination Transformation
Konbi Henge

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Signature Jutsu
Rank: B
Requirements: Transformation Jutsu, NPC Pet or Summon, 8 Destruction Magic, 5 Illusion Magic
Description: This technique is an advanced form of the Transformation Jutsu. It allows the two users of to perform the Transformation jutsu simultaneously together, merging themselves and becoming one being. The Transformation is so powerful, they even become as strong as the being they transform into. The jutsu can also be performed with only one user performing the Hand seal for it. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Reversed Ram.

Effect: Combine your Attribute points with the Attribute points of your NPC Pet or Summon. This is your Combination Transformation. You will have to create a profile for the Transformation and this will act as the Standard for your Transformation.

Shadow Clone Jutsu
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: General Jutsu
Rank: B
Requirements: Clone Jutsu, 10 Destruction Magic
Description: A technique that is an advanced version of the Clone Jutsu. This jutsu creates doppelgangers of the user however, unlike the Clone Jutsu, these clones are tangible and not just illusions. The clones themselves are able to perform Jutsu on their own and can even bleed. When the clone is hit with enough force, they will disperse. The clone or the user of the jutsu can disperse the jutsu at will. A unique quality of this jutsu is that when the clone disperses, all of the clones memories are instantly recorded into the user's memory.

Effect: A Destruction Magic Specialist can learn this jutsu with 5 Destruction Magic. For every 5 Points in Destruction Magic, the user can create a single clone. For a Destruction Magic Specialist, every 5 Points in Destruction Magic allows the user to create two clones. All clones have Health that is equal to the user's Destruction Magic. Each clone has the amount of clones divided by the cost in Qi for their Qi supply. This is based on the full amount, and not the user pays if they have a reduced cost. For example, the jutsu costs 50 Qi and the user can create two clones. This means each clone has 25 Qi. The clones can use this Qi to perform Jutsu. The clones disappear when they run out of Qi, or when the user no longer has any Qi. When the clones disperses before using all of their Qi, this Qi returns to the user. The user can also disperse the jutsu on their own and regain their Qi. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Clone Seal.

Exploding Shadow Clone
Bunshin Bakuha

Category: Offensive
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Secret Jutsu
Rank: A
Requirements: Destruction Magic Specialist, Shadow Clone Jutsu, 20 Destruction Magic
Description: An advanced technique that utilizes the use of the Shadow Clone Jutsu. The user will first create a single shadow clone used for battle. Then the user can then make the shadow clone explode, by detonating it like a bomb. This explosion from the clone is very large, dealing heavy damage to whomever caught within the blasts range. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Seal of Confrontation.

Effect: You cannot have this jutsu and the Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu
Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Secret Jutsu
Rank: A
Requirements: Non-Elemental Destruction Magic Specialist, Shadow Clone Jutsu, 40 Destruction Magic
Description: An advanced technique that utilizes the use of the Shadow Clone Jutsu. This technique allows the user to create a massive amount of shadow clones with ease. However, this jutsu drastically drains the user of their Qi. While the shadow clone jutsu is used to create a few clones, this jutsu is used to create a few hundred clones. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Clone Seal.

Effect: You cannot have this jutsu and Exploding Shadow Clone. For every 3 points in Destruction Magic, the user can create two shadow clones. This jutsu cannot be used with more than 10 Qi per clone. The user use must a minimum of 200 Qi to perform this jutsu. Each Clone has a minimum of 20 HP and carry the same effects as the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Qi Absorption
Qi Kyuuin

Category: Offensive
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: General Jutsu
Rank: A
Requirements: Destruction Magic Specialist, 15 Illusion Magic
Description: A specialized technique that allows the user to absorb the Qi of another person. Some users are able to use special weapons, or techniques to use this skill however, most users of this skill are able to absorb Qi just by simply putting their hands on someone. By absorbing a user's Qi, they can replenish their own however, everyone has a limit to how much Qi they can absorb. The user also has trouble absorbing Qi that isn't familiar with their own. Of course, the user must have their hands on a person for an extended period of time.

Effect: With normal methods, if your Martial Arts Score is great than someone else's, you can absorb their Qi by touching them. For every post you have them on hold, you can absorb your Destruction Magic Score in their Qi. You cannot absorb types of Qi that are foreign to you. Doing so, may cause negative effects on the user.


Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: General Jutsu
Rank: C
Requirements: 10 Illusion Magic
Description: A special Destruction Magic used to cancel and negate the effects of a Illusion Magic. After performing the needed hand seals, the user can cancel the Qi that has an influence over their brain. If done correctly, it can negate the effects of any Illusion Magic. This technique can also be used to negate the effects of a Illusion Magic that has been placed on their comrade. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Tiger Seal.

Effect: Illusion Magic Specialists can learn this jutsu with 5 Illusion Magic. User can use their Qi to cancel or negate Illusion Magic.

Needle Jizo
Hari Jizo

Category: Defensive
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: General Jutsu
Rank: B
Requirements: Destruction Magic Specialist, 15 Destruction Magic
Description: This is a skill where the user uses their hair to defend themselves. By using their Qi, they can harden their hair like steel and sharpen it to be as pointy as a blade. The hair will then grow in length to surround the user's body, encasing them and protecting them from physical attacks. The Hand Seals for this jutsu are Tiger → Horse → Boar → Ram → Rat → Snake.

Wild Lion's Mane

Category: Offensive
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: General Jutsu
Rank: B
Requirements: Needle Jizo, 20 Destruction Magic
Description: An offensive form of the Needle Jizo. After the user encases themselves within the Needle Jizo, they will be able to use this hair as a weapon. The hair will stretch out and attack whomever the user of the jutsu chooses. The hair has Qi running through it, making it similar to steel wire. This hair can ensnare and rip whomever it catches. The jutsu gets it's name from the mouth of a lion-like appearance it has before it attacks it's enemy. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Snake Seal.

Camouflage Jutsu
Mesaigakure no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Signature Jutsu
Rank: A
Requirements: 10 Martial Arts, 20 Destruction Magic, 10 Illusion Magic, 10 Weapon Skills
Description: An advanced form of stealth that allows the user to become invisible to the naked eye. By bending the light around the user's body they are able to invisible, while also erasing the user's scent and shadow. This jutsu can be used on any terrain, allow the user to perform covert operations. The only weakness of this jutsu is that it can be viewed by those with Dojutsu and those with sensing abilities can detect the user's presence.

Effect: Become invisible to the naked eye. When active, the user's Dodge Rate is reduced to 10% but returns to normal once the jutsu has been deactivated.

Beast Mimicry: All-Fours Jutsu
Shikyaku no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Village Jutsu
Rank: D
Requirements: Martial Arts Specialist, Ookami Village, 5 Martial Arts, 5 Destruction Magic, 5 Illusion Magic, 5 Weapon Skills
Description: A specialized technique utilized by Ookami Village's Wolf Squadron. This is a skill that allows the user to have animal-like instincts and reflexes. The user takes on an animal-like stance, allowing them to fight like a wild animal. This jutsu adds to the user's feral appearance, giving them canine-like teeth and slit pupils. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Tiger seal.

Effect: Increases the user's Martial Arts Score by 2

Man-Beast Clone
Juujin Bunshin

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Village Jutsu
Rank: D
Requirements: Beast Mimicry: All Fours Jutsu, Transformation Jutsu, Wild Beast, 10 Destruction Magic
Description: An advanced form of the Transformation Jutsu that allows the user to make a clone out of their Ninja Hound Companion. This clone is a perfect copy, capable of using any skill the user can. When the user combines this with Man Beast Martial Arts, the user can perform deadly combinations. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Tiger seal.

Effect: Wild Beast gains the exact same Attribute points as the user and is able to perform any man Beast Martial Arts that user has acquired. The Transformation disperses if the Ninja Hound is attacked.

Transformation Combo: Double-Headed Wolf
Jinjuu Konbi Henge: Soutourou

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Village Jutsu
Rank: B
Requirements: Combination Transformation, Wild Beast, Man-Beast Clone, 15 Destruction Magic
Description: An advanced version of the Combination Transformation utilized by the Ookami Village's Wolf Squadron. This skill allows the user to combine themselves with the Ninja Hound Companion, becoming a a single entity. This entity is in the form of a two-headed wolf, further increasing their size and power.

Effect: Allows the same effects as Combination Transformation but increases the user's Martial Arts Score by 5.

Transformation Mixture: Three-Headed Wolf
Jinjuu Konbi Henge: Santourou

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Village Jutsu
Rank: A
Requirements: Transformation Combo: Double-Headed Wolf, Shadow Clone Jutsu, 20 Destruction Magic
Description: An advanced form of the Combination Transformation utilized by the Ookami Village's Wold Squadron. The user will first create a shadow clone, and then combined themselves with their shadow clone, and their Ninja Hound Companion. The result creates a three-headed wolf entity that has increased power and size.

Effect: Allows the same effects as Transformation Combo: Double-Headed Wolf but increases the user's Martial Arts Score by 10. This jutsu does not combine the Attribute points of the Shadow Clone.

Expansion Jutsu
Baika no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Village Jutsu
Rank: C
Requirements: Martial Arts Specialist, Lightbending, Kaminari Village, 5 Martial Arts
Description: A technique utilized by the Kaminari Village's Guardian Unit. This technique allows the ninja to convert their calories into Qi. Using this jutsu, the user can freely alter the size of their body for a period of time, making them much denser or lighter to the user's liking. The most common form of this jutsu makes the user very round in appearance. The Hand Seals for this jutsu are Ram → Clap Hands.

Effect: Increases the user's size. Increases the user's Martial Arts Score by 4. This transformation lasts for only 5 Posts at a time.

Partial Expansion Jutsu
Bubun Baika no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Village Jutsu
Rank: C
Requirements: Expansion Jutsu
Description: A technique utilized by the Kaminari Village's Guardian Unit. It is a jutsu that is built upon the Expansion Jutsu. It is a more practical version of the Expansion Jutsu that allows the user to alter the size of a single body part, swelling it's size and weight. A skilled user of the Expansion Jutsu can make this change very sudden, making it difficult for their enemy to avoid.

Effect: Increases the user's Martial Arts Score by 2. This transformation lasts for only 3 Posts at a time.

Super Expansion Jutsu
Chou Baika no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Village Jutsu
Rank: B
Requirements: Partial Expansion Jutsu, 15 Destruction Magic
Description: A technique utilized by the Kaminari Village's Guardian Unit. This technique is an advanced form of the Expansion Jutsu. This skill allows the user to become a super sized version of themselves. It is a gigantic sized jutsu, that allows the user to fight with an abnormal level of strength and power. While the user sacrifices speed and mobility, they gain the ability to repel massive attacks. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Clap Hands.

Effect: Increases the user's Martial Arts Score by 10. This Transformation can last as long as the user wishes however, it makes the user's Dodging Rate automatically 50% if the user's Rate isn't greater already.

Sensory Jutsu
Kanchi no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: General Jutsu
Rank: B
Requirements: Lightbending, Shadowbending, 10 Illusion Magic
Description: A technique that is special to certain shinobi. Some shinobi have the innate ability to sense the Qi of other ninja. This skill allows a ninja to detect and track down another person through their unique Qi signature. Their range can be differ depending on the user's skill. The user is able to detect Qis that they are familiar with much swifter than those they are unfamiliar with. More importantly, the user is able to detect changes in one's Qi, such as the effects of Illusion Magic. This skill requires the user to focus greatly. The harder the user focuses, the greater they can detect where the Qi they are detecting is coming from. When the user use's this jutsu, they tend to have blood vessels reveal themselves on the top of their head, emphasizing the amount of focus the user must endure to sense Qi.

Effect: Allows the user to sense and detect Qis around them. With 10 Illusion Magic, they are able to detect all the Qis within a building. With 20 Illusion Magic, they can detect Qis within an entire village. With 30 Illusion Magic, they can detect a Qi from a great distance outside of their village. Of course, the general use of this jutsu is to detect multiple Qis within a single vicinity.

Mind Body Transfer Jutsu
Shintenshin no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Village Jutsu
Rank: C
Requirements: Illusion Magic Specialist, Shadowbending, Ryuuga Village, 5 Destruction Magic
Description: A special technique utilized by the Ryuuga Village's Sensor Division. This technique allows the user to send their mind into the body of another person or being. By transferring their conscious to another person, this allow the user to gain complete control of their target's body for a period of time. This technique is primarily used to gain intelligence on their enemy. The only downside to this jutsu, is that it leaves the user's body completely defenseless. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Valentine seal.

Effect: Switch bodies with a single enemy for a duration of time. With 10 Illusion Magic, the user can switch bodies up to 5 Posts. With 15 Illusion Magic, the user can switch bodies up to 10 Posts. With 20 Illusion Magic, the user can freely move around within the user's body without worrying about a time limit.

Mind Body Disturbance Jutsu
Shinranshin no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Village Jutsu
Rank: B
Requirements: Mind Body Transfer Jutsu, 15 Illusion Magic
Description: A special technique utilized by the Ryuuga Village's Sensor Division. This is an advanced version of the Mind Body Transfer Jutsu and is more suited for combat. This skill allows the user to send their Qi into the nervous system of an enemy. Once under the user's control, they can freely control their target's body, taking away their targets will. This technique was created to turn allies against one another. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Double Valentine.

Effect: If your Illusion Magic Score is greater than your opponent, you may freely take control of them for a duration of time. This control can last up to 5 Posts.

Shadow Possession Jutsu
Kage Mane no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Village Jutsu
Rank: C
Requirements: Destruction Magic Specialist, Shadowbending, Fuuma Village, 5 Destruction Magic
Description: A special technique utilized by the Fuuma Village's Control Team. This technique allows the user to manipulate their shadow, extending it on any surface. If the user is able to connect their shadow with the shadow of another person, they are able to completely immobilize them. When their target is caught within this jutsu, they will mimic the movements of the user for a period of time. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Rat seal.

Effect: This jutsu works as an Offensive attack but does not deal damage. If the user is unable to avoid the shadow, they will be completely immobilized. If their score in Martial Arts is greater than your score in Destruction Magic, they will slowly be able to break free from the bind of the shadow. The user is able to extend their shadow over a long period of time, causing multiple attempts to catch their target.

Shadow Strangle Jutsu
Kage Kubishibari no Jutsu

Category: Offensive
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Village Jutsu
Rank: B
Requirements: Shadow Possession Jutsu, 12 Destruction Magic
Description: A special technique utilized by the Fuuma Village's Control Team. This technique utilizes the Shadow Possession Jutsu but alters it for combat purposes. Once the user's target is caught by their shadow, the user can then further extend their shadow onto the target's body. The user's shadow will extend as creeping hands that will slowly move towards the target's neck and strangle them. The Hand Seals for this jutsu are: Dragon → Tiger → Rat.

Effect: This is an Offensive technique that strangles the target. The damage dealt is automatic if the target's Martial Arts Score isn't great enough to break the hold.

Shadow Sewing Jutsu
Kage Nui no Jutsu

Category: Offensive
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Village Jutsu
Rank: B
Requirements: Shadow Strangle Jutsu, 20 Destruction Magic, 15 Illusion Magic
Description: A special technique utilized by the Fuuma Village's Control Team. This technique utilizes the Shadow Possession Jutsu but alters it for combat purposes. With this skill, the user can extend their shadow and animate it off the ground. The user can change their shadow into sharp needles that can attack and bind their enemy at will. The Hand Seals for this jutsu are: Rat → Bird.

Effect: This skill can be used as a binding method and an offensive attack method.

Spiral Ball

Category: Offensive
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Signature Jutsu
Rank: A
Requirements: Non-Elemental Destruction Magic Specialist, Act of Tree Climbing, Act of Water Surface Walking, 30 Destruction Magic
Description: A rare Destruction Magic that is utilized by certain ninja of the Shizuka Village. The Rasengan is a unique jutsu that does not require the use of Hand seals. Combining the methods of the Act of Tree Climbing and the Act of Water Surface Walking, the user is able to create a spinning ball of Qi. This spinning ball of Qi, when on impact, sends the enemy hurling away from them. This jutsu is known as the highest form of shape manipulation.

Effect: If the target's Martial Arts Score is lower than your Destruction Magic Score, they will be sent flying. When sent flying, they will lose an additional amount of Health from Explosive Damage. This skill causes Explosive Damage. When the attack lands, it causes an additional 25% of it's Damage to the surrounding area, damaging anyone caught within it's blast.

Giant Rasengan
Oodama Rasengan

Category: Offensive
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Secret Jutsu
Rank: A
Requirements: Rasengan, 20 Destruction Magic
Description: A rare Destruction Magic utilized by certain ninja of the Shizua Village. The user is able to create an even larger version of the Rasengan by putting twice as much Qi than normal. This increases the size of the Rasengan as well as it's destructive power. The Rasengan itself is too large to be held in one's hand. Like the normal Rasengan, this jutsu does not require hand seals.

Effect: This skill automatically causes the target to be sent flying, dealing additional damage to the target's Health in Explosive Damage. This skill causes Explosive Damage. When the attack lands, it causes an additional 25% of it's Damage to the surrounding area, damaging anyone caught within it's blast.

Flying Thunder God Jutsu
Hiraishin no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Secret Jutsu
Rank: S
Requirements: Non-Elemental Destruction Magic Specialist, Raijin Kunai, Sealing Jutsu, Teleportation Jutsu, 10 Martial Arts, 25 Destruction Magic, 15 Illusion Magic, 10 Weapon Skills
Description: The Flying Thunder God Jutsu is a special space-time Destruction Magic that requires the use of many jutsu at once. By placing a Raijin Seal on a mark, the user is able to instantly teleport to anywhere their Raijin Seal is place. Shinobi who have mastered this jutsu are known as the fastest shinobi in the world, able to avoid any attack. The most common application of this jutsu, allows the user to use a special kunai to teleport where the kunai is thrown. This technique can also allow the user to teleport objects and other people. The Raijin Seal never disappears from wherever it is placed. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Seal of Confrontation.

Effect: Allows a ninja to avoid any attack that the skill is effective against. Allows a ninja to teleport instantly where-ever the kunai is thrown.

Ink Clone Jutsu
Sumi Bunshin no Jutsu

Category: Supplementary
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Signature Jutsu
Rank: C
Requirements: Ink, Clone Jutsu, 5 Illusion Magic
Description: Utilizing Ink, the user can manipulate the Ink and create a replica of themselves. This clone can be used for diversion against their enemy. The clone itself carries Qi, and is made from a tangible substance, making it difficult for one to see through.

Effect: Create a clone made out of Ink. This clone has 1 HP and can utilize jutsu that require Ink. The amount of Clones the user can create however, is limited to  1.

Super Beast Scroll
Choujuu Giga

Category: Offensive
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Signature Jutsu
Rank: B
Requirements: Shadowbending, Ink, 10 Destruction Magic
Description: A special skill that allows the user to bring drawings to life. The user will first draw an image they wish to use; a snake, a tiger, rats or a bird. They will then use their Qi to bring these images to life. These images can assist the user in different ways. The snakes can be used to bind their enemy.  The tigers can be used to attack their enemy. The rats can be used to gather intelligence. The bird can be used to fly around in the air, and avoid their enemy's attacks. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Seal of Confrontation.

Effect: Create ink drawings that come to life. These drawings can be used for multiple purposes.

Super Beast Scroll: Aun Fist
Choushin Giga

Category: Offensive
Type: Destruction Magic
Class: Signature Jutsu
Rank: B
Requirements: Super Beast Scroll, 15 Destruction Magic
Description: An advanced technique that utilizes the Super Beast Scroll. With this skill, the user will create drawings of two super powered humanoids. Using Lightbending, these drawings will come to life and attack the user's enemy. The Hand Seal for this jutsu is the Seal of Confrontation.