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Classes and Sub-Classes

Started by Codemaster Jamal, Feb 09, 2025, 04:48 PM

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Codemaster Jamal

Classes and Sub-Classes

In the world of Shinobu, people are often born into a class and majority of the time are unable to escape this class. Under certain circumstances can people escape their classes but, many have accepted their class as their way of life. Of course, in this world, freedom is something that many people strive for. So while you may be born into one class, many people change their class eventually. In this game however, we will not allow you to change the class you pick for your character. Through character development, you may be able to change your Faction but, not your class. Despite this, there aren't many things to distinguish people from what class they belong to outside of appearance. For example, the Ninja Villages typically have a headband that distinguishes them as members of that faction.

On top of the classes, there are also Sub-classes that people usually don't mention via dialogue. These sub-classes are more like professions and roles that characters in the world of Shinobu take on. You are allowed to change your sub-class but, we do not encourage that this happens often. In fact, we encourage you to stay within your sub-class. Typically, your sub-class shouldn't affect your character too much in the world of Shinobu. There are some restrictions to sub-classes which is why changing your sub-class will have some difficulties. Worst case scenario, you will be required to kill off your character before changing your class or sub-class but, you will be rewarded with a character with the same rank and an equal amount of skills, ryo and items.

*More classes and sub-classes may be added later on.


  • Ninja
  • Samurai
  • Bandit
  • Monk
  • Noble
  • Royal

Ninja - One of the more common classes. As the game is called "Shinobu - World of Ninja" it can be assumed that this world is ruled by Ninjas. Majority of the people in the world claim themselves as ninja and generally speaking this is the class that most people belong to, even if they aren't apart of one of the Ninja Villages. Ninjas are generally the common class of people and as such are very versatile.

Samurai - The descendants of the guardians who protected the Royals in ancient times. Samurai have a military strength that more than rivals that of the Ninjas. They are also known for inventing majority of modern fighting styles and techniques. At some point, they had an alliance with the Ninjas. Some Samurai are even allowed to join the Ninja Villages. This is an elite class of fighter and they are known for upholding honor and dignity throughout the land.

Bandit - Criminals and the most basic class of criminals. "Once a criminal, always a criminal" as some would say. While known for violence and other questionable decision making, most people tend to stay away from bandits as they are always believed to cause trouble. They are known for going up against governments and often rebeling against local authorities.

Monk - The religious warrior. They are known for keeping the ancient custom of Shinobu. This includes reciting prayers and reading passages from the ancient books. A clergyman. They are also known for mourning the dead and typically survive off of public donations. Some Monks have very eccentric personalities and they also have an alliance with Samurai and Ninja. Between the three of them, they are the most common class.

Noble - A loyalist to the Royals. This is someone whose family has pledged loyalty to the Royals. They have decided to spend their lives in service to the Royals and their duty is to keep them in power. Outside of the Ninja Villages that are ruled democratically, the rest of Shinobu is ruled by monarchy. Typically, this is a class that most people must be born into but, there are some exceptions. This is the closest one can get to becoming a Royal. It is also typical for Nobles to marry into Royal families.

Royal - A member of the gods. They are the original bloodline that butchered many peasants out of greed. One must be born into this class and there are absolutely no excuses for this. They typically take on political roles but, it is said that there are few who can escape this lifestyle. It is said that God himself bestowed this class with the duty to rule over all other classes of people. They typically have huge egos that match their oversized bank accounts and the amount of land they own. The Royals are the rarest class and are typically seen within the capitals of every nation.


  • Commoner
  • Farmer
  • Knight
  • Assassin
  • Raider
  • Thief
  • Chef
  • Doctor
  • Judge
  • Shaman
  • Politician

Commoner - A very common class. This could mean that this person does not belong to a specific profession or is a simple and average citizen. They may have no skills or minor skills that do not revolve around combat such as fishing, architecture and manual labor.

Farmer - Also known as "peasants" but, this word has been used less and less as time has passed. Over time, the word "peasant" has been deemed derogative. They live a very simple but, hard life style. They are responsible for supplying people with food with livestock and plants.

Knight - A guardian or hero. While it may not be a job and how one chooses to lend their strength is completely up to them, their purpose is to defend the weak. Sometimes this may require a fee and other times, they might do it out of the kindness of their heart. Despite this, members of this sub-class are often looked at with high respect and dignity.

Assassin - One who kills for money. Not a very talked about profession but, members of this class aren't looked at with great respect. People tend to stay away from them due to the line of work they are into.

Raider - One who likes to plunder villages. They are known for attacking villages for supplies but, they are also known for being violent. In some cases, there's a reason behind their attacks and other reasons, they simply attack villages because they have a violent personality.

Thief - Someone who life revolves around stealing things but, they are very good at it. So good, they can steal things without being caught. Sometimes it's money and other times it's objects of value. Regardless, if you need someone stolen, it's their specialty.

Chef - A cook. The ability to make meals can save armies. Food is essential for life so having someone who can prepare meals definitely makes life a lot easier.

Doctor - A qualified practioner of medicine. While some doctors charge a fee; doctors like to use their extensive knowledge of the human body to save lives. In some cases, some doctors like to do weird experiments but, they are an expert on modern medicine to say the less.

Judge - While it takes year of studying law, it is their job to sentence criminals to prison based on their crimes. Some judges are rather crooked while others prefer to stick to the book. They have a connection to the Noble and Royal families.

Shaman - Someone who can communicate the deceased spirits. They have a connection to the after life and often have the ability to control and manipulate spirits. While it is not a real job, Shamans have the ability to see ghosts.

Politician - A political role. This can include being a Daimyo to running for the local office. It's their job to run their village or community for better or worst. Typically people of the Noble and Royal class take up this profession.