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Hand Seal Guide

Started by Codemaster Jamal, Feb 09, 2025, 05:53 PM

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Codemaster Jamal

Hand Seal Guide

Hand Seals (印), are signs made with the hands that are used to user Destruction Magic (Ninjutsu) and Illusion Magic (Genjutsu). Hand Seals are one of many methods used to create Destruction Magic and Illusion Magic. With the proper amount of Qi and the correct Hand Seals, the user is able to release Jutsu. Some skills require a large set of hand seals, which requires the user to memorize all of the signs in-order to release their skill. While a Jutsu might require a number of hand signs to use, a skilled user can cast the Jutsu with just one hand sign. Some users can even use one-handed Hand Seals. It is also possible to be so fast with moving that the user can perform hand signs faster than the blink of an eye. As a shinobi's Destruction Magic (Ninjutsu) increases, they steadily become better at performing Hand Seals.

The 12 Basic Hand Seals are based around the Chinese Zodiac with a different hand sign for each member of the Zodiac.

Ne ( 子)

Ushi (丑)

Tora (寅)

U (卯)

Tatsu (辰)

Mi (巳)

Uma (午)

Hitsuji (未)

Saru (申)

Tori (酉)

Inu (戌)

I (亥)

Additional Hand Seals

Along with the 12 Zodiac Hand Signs, there are also many other hand seals with the world of Shinobu. Some of these seals are specific to certain jutsu while others are more advanced seals. As the user's knowledge in Destruction Magic (Ninjutsu) increases, so does their knowledge and speed to perform Hand Signs.

Confrontation Seal

Reconciliation Seal

Clone Seal

Clap Hands

Valentine Seal

Double Valentine